Meridian Mining is focused on the development and exploration of the advanced stage Cabaçal VMS gold‐copper project, and on regional scale exploration of the Cabaçal VMS belt in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Cabaçal is a gold‐copper‐silver rich VMS deposit with the potential to be a standalone mine within the 50km VMS belt.

Cabaçal Cu-Au Mine
- Polymetallic VMS system Cu-Au + Ag-Zn-Pb
- Defined multiple thick shallow dipping zones of Copper-Gold plus Silver-Zinc-Lead mineralization
The Cabaçal and St Helena deposits and other known targets form part of a Paleoproterozoic VMS system in deformed metavolcanic-sedimentary rocks of the Alto Jauru Greenstone Belt.
The package consists of a bimodal sequence, similar to many major VMS districts. Cabaçal’s stacked mineralisation lenses with cumulative thicknesses up to 90 meters and are variably enriched in Cu-Au-Ag-Zn.
VMS camps like, Cabaçal, typically host a cluster of deposits, not uncommonly spaced at 4 to 6km intervals, making both near-mine and regional exploration targets attractive. The production history of the worlds VMS camps has been defined over decades, sometimes +100 years, with their near surface resources largely exhausted. Cabaçal presents the opportunity for Meridian to create value from this undeveloped VMS camp.

Managing our energy transition risk with a leading community-based ESG and SDG programs
- Brazil energy matrix ~ 65% of its energy generated by
hydropower plants - Local hydroelectric facilities:
- Jaurú Cascade – 235.9 MW (6 Facilities)
- Juba Cascade – 139.4 MW (4 Facilities)